Home Is Where You Find It

Home is Where You Find It

I’ve been ruminating on this post for some time having just changed my living circumstance, and it occurred to me that the physical placement of the home is not the crucial aspect of the equation. I used to be a country dweller, and I swore that the city would never be the place I parked my carcass for longer than it took to see the sights and congratulate myself on my good sense. However, as time has crept on, the prospect of snowplowing a quarter mile’s worth of driveway has lost its appeal.

So, here’s my current belief structure on “Home.” It’s where you find it, yes—but it’s more than brick and mortar. It’s not in the things we’ve been hoarding like gophers in our holes, or in the solitude we’ve clung to like a liferaft with the label, “Independent.”

“Home” truly is an emotional choice. If you’re lucky enough to have a loving family, regardless of their quirks and idiosyncratic habits, choose to let them be your home. If that doesn’t describe your personal bunch of crazies, then build your own crowd out of a collection of like-minded friends. Polish up that “Independent” nameplate and remember it doesn’t necessarily mean alone.

Till next time, that’s “What’s On My Mind.”                         Jayne