Once more into the breach

It’s been a year and more since I last posted. And what a year it’s been. We’re all finding our “new normal”, whatever that is. For me, aside from searching for a mask that doesn’t obscure my sight, my hearing, and fog up my glasses, the year hasn’t been so bad. In fact, it’s allowed me the time to complete my next novel and get a contract for publishing the same.

My newest effort, “Midnight Acquisition”, is a romping tale involving a fabulous misidentified gemstone, a family legacy, and the thief who tries to walk away with it and the owner’s heart.

The release is not yet scheduled but I hope it will be available to everyone in the Spring of 2021. Just to tempt you, here’s an excerpt.

“Hello, Jules.” His lips quirked up, and she took a hesitant step toward him as if he’d pulled on an invisible thread. A swarm of bees erupted in her chest.

He stood, and she took him in from hair to soft leather loafers. Their gazes locked. His startling gray eyes should have been cool given the color, but the emotion swimming in their depths held her fixed in place. Riveted. The silvery center rimmed in a blue so dark it was nearly black, and thick lashes, a lush sable brown like the roots of his hair. This Beck was as familiar as home and at the same time different as night from day. Gone was the boyish promise of good looks, and in its place, a devastatingly handsome man. The shoulders she used to love were broader, his waist honed. The flat stomach she’d caressed with curious, questing fingers was now an impressive six-pack of muscle revealed by the cling of his T-shirt. His chest, when he drew in a deep breath, strained the white fabric.

She took a matching breath. “What are you doing here?” Her voice took on a disturbingly squeaky note, and she cleared her throat. “I mean, hello yourself. I didn’t know you were back in Charleston.” She fought the urge to sling herself across the distance and jump into his arms. Her fists clenched to drag back control. Pull yourself together, Juliette. He trashed your stupid heart and didn’t think twice about it, remember?

Keep your eyes open and I’ll send updates, and sneak peeks to keep you interested along the way.

For now that’s What’s On My Mind. Jayne